4 years ago
807 sqft $5 psf 2Bed . 2Bath
Designer’s renovation. Quiet greenery facing overlooking International School/guard house; 807 sq ft, 2 bedrooms, move-in condition. High floor ; Available mid August 2021. For rent@$4,300/- pm Call George@97357177 for appt
1,066 sqft $2,673 psf 3Bed . 2Bath
603 sqft $2,056 psf 2Bed . 2Bath
11,985 sqft $1,184 psf 10Bed . 7Bath
635 sqft $1,600 psf 2Bed . 1Bath
1,001 sqft $2,841 psf 2Bed . 2Bath
3 years ago
1,389 sqft $2,860 psf 3Bed . 2Bath
107 sqft $7,477 psf 3Bed . 2Bath
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