CEA REG NO: R009549H

Keep learning and improving. I am grateful that PropNex always keep our salespersons updated with latest development and technology, this helps me stay relevant and competitive throughout the years. Besides this, I tell myself that I must always stay hungry for knowledge and find ways to keep improving.


CEA REG NO: R010497G

There's one question I always ask myself and that is "How could I have done better?". The biggest worry one should have is when you've tasted success once and you begin to be complacent and not strive to do better. I'm constantly reviewing my own processes and finding ways to improve, be it from tapping on the brains of my leaders or just seeing how successful people run their business and modelling after them.


CEA REG NO: R047968G

“专家能量” 是我们 ShophouseHuat 团队成功的秘。我们专攻从事物业买卖、租赁及基金的管理咨询,成功帮助我们的店屋客户实现了他们的梦想,交易了价 值超过 6.8 亿新元的店屋和写字楼。 Strong specialisation in Investment Sales, Leasing and Fund Management Consultancy has made our ShophouseHuat family successful. As market leaders, we have successfully helped our trusted clients achieve their dreams, transacting over SGD 680 Million worth of Shophouses and Commercial Buildings.


CEA REG NO: R016001Z

It all starts with our mindset, how involved do we want to be with our business. Researching and learning about the market and its changes so as to be astute in offering our professional opinions to our customers in the fundamentals to being able to establish a universal network for ourselves. Using our passion in wanting to help and guide our customers wholeheartedly with the belief of wanting the best for their interests, never fails to provide us with a continuous stream of referrals and return customers. This is not an overnight effort but a continual one, where one’s determination is questioned upon.


CEA REG NO: R013756E

To stay at the top of my game, I constantly create unique angles and discover new market opportunities so that I can empower my consumers. Also, complementing PropNex’s dual career path of recruitment and sales, I am able to receive new perspectives from so many agents on the ground daily that helps me be very sensitive to the changes of the market. Coupled with my 13 years of experience, I can experiment with these new perspectives and empower my consumers differently. The results of these experiments can create a whole new framework that benefits my agents. The cycle continues. In a way, recruitment improves my sales, my sales improve my recruitment. Who gets the best out of it? My consumers.


CEA REG NO: R024647Z

The key to staying relevant is to be ever evolving and ever improving with the market. Real estate agents’ roles have changed over the years and consumers must know us as a service provider whom can provide the best solution and have their interest as our top priority. Being on the ground constantly allows me to grasp the intentions and drivers of each segment, be it HBD MOP upgraders, EC MOP upgraders or New Launches trends. This translates to knowing where the business flows and where are the opportunities or risk as it presents itself. I believe this is where my clients find value in me, to be able to interpret beyond the numbers.


CEA REG NO: R051812G

Staying focused and keeping myself involved in every matter of real estate, constantly improving myself and being a better agent, be it for myself, my clients or my fellow teammates.


CEA REG NO: R060977G

Although I only joined PropNex in year 2019, but it feels like I have been a part of the PropNex family ever since Kelvin Thong (my husband) joined the agency in year 2010. Even when I wasn’t with PropNex, I could sense the bonding within, the warmth of the organization and how resilient the management reacts to adversities of the market. Naturally when I decided to join this industry, PropNex is my number 1 choice and till date, it’s the best decision ever made!


CEA REG NO: R017569F

Sincerity and passion. In all my years, my clients trust me because of my sincerity and passion in what I do. My passion ensures I know what is latest in the market and best as a professional for my clients. My career has become a part of my identity because it is where my passion lies.


CEA REG NO: R009985Z

I think to be relevant is not enough, we need to: Focus and become an expert in a certain area, especially when are already 10 years in the industry. I choose to focus in the luxury property segment and become the expert to offer one stop solution to new immigrants. Upgrade our efficiency in the business, which requires us to work on higher client value, higher conversion rate, and better satisfaction from clients are key to keep high efficiency.


CEA REG NO: R041140C

Change is the only constant, especially in the real estate industry. What’s most important is to be adaptable and consistently upgrade with knowledge to best guide our clients in their investment journeys. Thanks to PropNex’s great systems, vast network and constantly updated trainings, we are able to stay competitive and excel in the industry today.


CEA REG NO: R045184G

The market is constantly evolving and we simply cannot afford to be complacent. I believe in staying ahead of the curve by leveraging on technology and in-depth research to assist my clients to make informed decisions. This helps me stay ahead of the competition and provide my clients with the best opportunities and best advice possible.


CEA REG NO: R018225J

To ensure longevity and competitiveness in this industry, one must never be complacent in his/her success but instead be willing to try new ways of marketing and adding greater value to the clients in their real estate journeys and dreams.


CEA REG NO: R059880E

The direction and the vision from the management gave me the confidence to join PropNex. PropNex has given us so much valuable trainings, great support system and powerful PropTech tools that enable every new salesperson to grow and learn at the shortest time possible.


CEA REG NO: R009627C

In all industries, staying relevant and competitive is the key for our ever-changing market. Life-long learning and consistent upgrading is critical. Being self-employed, you need to have the discipline to set aside time to learn and upgrade. Providing trainings for teammates, as well as receiving them are equally important. Only when we learn and grow, then more of our teammates can benefit from our sharing too.


CEA REG NO: R009795D

Adding value consistently to my readers through my platform is one of the main cornerstone of my real estate business. The process is sometimes very routine and boring but consistency is key to success - we have to do the basics very well first before we can do anything else. But it is necessary in order to remain relevant in a market that is consistently evolving. My other priority is my team of agents. They have put their trust in me, hence I must ensure that I am truly exposed to the market to know what is happening on the ground to be able to share useful insights during our regular weekly meetings. This is to ensure that not only I will be benefiting from the property market, but also allow everyone to understand how is the market performing, so they know how to engage their own prospects and clients.


CEA REG NO: R014320D

To maintain longevity in this business, salespersons must go above and beyond everyday duties and add greater value by helping clients with their property plans, tailored to individual needs and finances based on facts, figures and updated data. I’m thankful that with the support of my husband and fellow PropNexian, Edmund Tan we have successfully created and shared our 3-Step The R.E.I Method to help more families with the best decision planning that can create wealth through saving in the right property. Using The R.E.I Method, many clients have benefitted and referred us more business, giving us the much-needed support to continue excelling in our careers.


CEA REG NO: R008108Z

I feel appreciative for those clients who have supported and entrusted me with their property portfolios over the years. The property market is always is always evolving and in order to stay relevant and competitive, I always tell myself there is always room for improvement, for me to be better.


CEA REG NO: R015200I

To begin my real estate career, I feel PropNex is the right choice, even though there are many other property agencies out there. This agency provides great trainings, guidance and motivation for all the salespersons. Plus, there are many information and useful tools for us through the various apps provided. In all, PropNex provides an all round support to all salespersons under its wing. With this, I have successfully achieved the hat-trick Millionaire status.


CEA REG NO: R050535A

Over the past 10 years, the market has changed a lot. To stay adaptable, I keep an open mind and use a statistical approach for unbiased advice. I value staying connected with clients to understand their needs and concerns, which helps me identify and solve their problems. Transparency is key to building trust, and I'm not afraid to steer clients towards their financial and long-term goals.


CEA REG NO: R010268J

Value-Add. In this constantly changing real estate climate, I need to give my clients a better and a more compelling reason to trust and stay with me for the long haul. Strategically, I am fostering a resilient yet loyal customer base that transcends generations. Keeping pace with my clients’ expectations is my sure-fire way to stay competitive. With astute analysis, advising and guiding them with selling / buying propositions, I mitigate their risks and empower my clients to stay advantaged, both in their long and short-term gains.


CEA REG NO: R007736H

The key to staying relevant in this business is to always be on the ground where the action is taking place. In this business, it is important not to be complacent but be hungry and willing to learn, be adaptable and to keep up with the latest industry trends and news, so that we can constantly match up, impart the skills to our team, and provide the best service to our clients.


CEA REG NO: R030286H

Generally, I strongly believe in continuous education and attending training sessions to keep abreast of the latest developments in the industry. In this Information Age, we have to read widely, do more research and analyse data better so that we can bring ourselves up to mark to provide good value-added service to our clients.


CEA REG NO: R009416E

Put in the hours. Read Research and Ruminate the information. Identify the genuine good buys because nobody can resist a good recommendation. It will lead to a good conversation, possibly a close or a referral close. Avoid feeling directionless and that’s half the battle won. Create activities. Have viewings. Visit show flats. Catch up with old clients. Point is to be in touch with market and know what to focus on. Serve the needs of your organic network well and make time for something outside your usual scope of work. This could be different product, area / location, clientele segment. On-the-job training for something unfamiliar to become a more rounded / knowledgeable advisor. With competence comes confidence and the ‘easy’ closings will follow.


CEA REG NO: R058641F

Being in the largest agency in Singapore, both my team and I are confident that we are well equipped with resources to value add our clients. And being the leading agency, we will always have to be proactive to come out with new initiatives to be able to have differentiations among the other agencies.


CEA REG NO: R014855I

To remain relevant and competitive, I stay close to my clients. It's essential to know their current needs and preferences at different stages of their life to offer them the best advice with regards to their real estate needs. Of course, the solid PropNex branding and support system from the Lux Team have also impacted me in my career, giving me the best network, trainings and useful PropTech tools to add greater value to my real estate clients.


CEA REG NO: R009875F

Looking back at my long career since 2005, I have always been evolving along with market changes and demand. I started off with the HDB segment before progressing to resale private properties. I then ventured overseas during the Singapore property market downturn in the period of 2013 to 2016. Since 2016 I have been devoting my time to new launches. I am happy that I can set aside my ego, learn from zero and excel in every segment that I chose to focus on.


CEA REG NO: R026451F

Undergoing comprehensive and updated trainings is the most important factor to remain relevant in today's market. Additionally, being part of a healthy competitive environment is important as well. Here in PropNex, with over 12,000 salespersons, everyone motivates one another to be the best and push the boundaries in terms of sales. The top leaders here also work hard for their own individual sales. I feel that this is significantly vital, on top of growing their own teams


CEA REG NO: R009657E

Continue to upgrade yourself in the areas that you want to excel in. Learn what is in trend. It is important to meet different people to stay relevant in our industry. Build a new network and listen to alternative views. Setting new and bigger goals is vital to remain competitive in the long run. Be ready for challenges and brace for impact if necessary. Stay with like-minded people who are aligned with your values. If all else fails, always ask for help. The sky is the limit with it comes to RESOURCES. Take up different roles in our business. Get out of your comfort zone.


CEA REG NO: R020035F

Education is the most important factor to stay relevant, in terms of upgrading oneself and for the consumers to understand the market. Thus, I started an English-Chinese Property video education series, which focus on hybrid Eng Chi to share on the topics relevant to clients. Besides this, one must always maintain a good relationship with clients through value added service. For longevity, it is also important to treat them as friends sincerely.


CEA REG NO: R052281G

Our industry is a fast changing one, therefore it's important that we stay nimble and adapt to market changes swiftly.


CEA REG NO: R020246D

By staying young in the mind! I've conditioned myself to be always curious, ever learning in all areas of life. One example is interacting with my clients or associates: there are different techniques and pedagogy for different people and situations. I've learnt to quickly learn the circumstances and reactions to apply myself. With this mindset, it’s easy to absorb knowledge without feeling like a chore. Also, while technology has made leaps and bounds especially in our line of work, it also made people 'lazier', seeing many salespersons purely working just at their homes and only going out for viewings. I get out a lot, and try to see the 'picture', which is always changing. These may be the little information that you cannot find online but be the edge in this business.


CEA REG NO: R009700H

Fundamentals will not change. Build long term relationship based on integrity, trust and respect. Ultimately, it is beyond closing the deal, but to help clients achieve what they want. If you can do this, your client will naturally help you “build” other clients as well. Being in this people business for almost three decades now, I realised how the business environment has evolved greatly and this requires us to adapt and grow along the way. It is vital to keep abreast of changing consumer behaviours, technology and marketing strategies in order to remain competitive.


CEA REG NO: R041991I

The Singapore property market is ever changing and it takes shape simultaneously with the global economy and country policy. To stay relevant and competitive, one has to go with the flow and quickly embrace the change, be it technology, execution, or serving different market segments. The Covid pandemic for the past three years, has indeed created a challenging environment for salespersons, and only those with the willingness to adapt will be able to survive and thrive.


CEA REG NO: R010765H

It is important to be in a company that is the market leader and always coming out with many new initiatives to add value to the consumers. The amazing energy of PropNex kept me going for so many years, and I always look forward to meet up with my clients as well as my associates. I also consistently remind myself to keep moving forward and do better by attending internal and external trainings to upskill from time to time. Most importantly, for longevity in this business you must also strike a balance between family, work and self.


CEA REG NO: R015104E

Being in the real estate industry for about 23 years, I constantly faced many regulatory changes and shifts in trends. I always have to stay well informed by following the latest news and make self-observations so that I am always in the know for my clients. As I am very specialized in my field of work, that makes me stay competitive throughout the years, which I am grateful for.


CEA REG NO: R059987I

With no prior sales background, at age 57, I was not sure if real estate could be a career at all. However, I was determined to put in my all and to give it my best shot. On top of attending the many PropNex signature trainings, I learned that to be successful, I have to reach out confidently and not be discouraged by "No" from potential clients. What helped most was a patient mentor in Joy Chan, who was always available, and addressed all my arising concerns on demand basis. Having backup access to Joy's mentor, Charles Cheng, adds to the quick success. Also, the big picture direction to success in real estate from Ray Teo, the advisory head. Four years on now, I am a confident PropNex leader myself with a growing team of 25.

Joey Tan

CEA REG NO: R018026F

In this dynamic market, being informative gives me the edge to bring more value to clients. Especially in today’s market, constantly learning new technology enables me to innovate a more efficient and effective system. With that being said, clients' behaviour tends to change over the years, only through learning and understanding their needs, allows me to constantly provide them with the best and suitable planning over the years.


CEA REG NO: R016837A

I pride myself on delivering results for my clients that oftentimes surpasses their expectations. I stay close to my customers and make the extra effort to understand their needs and preferences. Going the extra mile for my clients and keeping my skills and knowledge current also help to ensure that I am a credible source within the real estate industry.


CEA REG NO: R022884F

No one is perfect and know everything, regardless of how many years of experience you have in this industry. It is vital to keep learning and improving yourself no matter how old you are. You might stumble and fall along the way, but as people say, when you fall down 7 times, stand up 8. We just got to keep going and never give up.


CEA REG NO: R031508J

I’ve been in the real estate industry for 18 years and witnessed numerous cycles in the market. It is definitely never a sprint to complete the race but a marathon. To me, everyday is an opportunity to learn new things and equip myself with knowledge and skills to stay relevant.


CEA REG NO: R018463F

Constantly trying out new methods of marketing and building a sustainable business model is a must. Investing 10% of your income in new marketing methods yearly is how I personally ensure that I am always well aware of what works and what doesn’t in today’s property market.


CEA REG NO: R014538Z

Staying relevant and competitive in today's ever-changing market is very crucial for anyone, not just for real estate salespersons. As such, the need to keep an open mind, fully embrace and live out the essentials of "lifelong learning" form the foundation and safeguards for our profession and future. Besides keeping a close watch on the changing market through the use of cutting-edge digital technology, it is even more important to constantly upgrade ourselves with all relevant knowledge and skills, not just through classroom training, but through experiential learning and acquiring massive ground experiences.


CEA REG NO: R058058B

I have been with PropNex for 6 years now. PropNex to me is a company of growth. I have witnessed how the company has spearheaded industry standards and create new benchmarks for others to follow across the years. The training framework is now more comprehensive as well to cater to both new and experienced RES to help us run our business better. PropNex also constantly engages consumers through educational seminars and courses to help them in their real estate journeys. I am confident PropNex will continue the good work and I am proud to be part of this journey.


CEA REG NO: R010769J

Keep learning and improving myself to be a better person and never go into my comfort zone, which is dangerous. Go deeper into your focus area and be the best in the sector you are focusing on. One thing I always remember is to look after your clients and not leave them hanging. My clients are the primary reason why I am here. I believe that because of my good advice and judgment, they trust me wholeheartedly. My mantra is to always "Understand Your Clients' Needs Better."


CEA REG NO: R050290E

To ensure that one remains competitive in today’s market, it is vital to stay abreast of big-picture trends in technology, media and marketing, and understand the product that you are selling.


CEA REG NO: R057344F

PropNex offers great support with trainings and technological tools so we are fully equipped to offer valuable advice on selecting the right properties with good potential capital appreciation. When it comes to selling properties, I’m able to fetch optimal prices for my clients through my marketing platform - Home Central, and my in-house media team consisting of professional videographers and digital marketers who produce high quality, customized home tour videos and effective social media and digital marketing campaigns for the properties. With our value-added services, my clients feel assured at every part of their property journey.


CEA REG NO: R049044C

Success is all about hard work. I will double the number of hours that a normal salesperson work. It is important to stay ahead in terms of knowledge. Keep reading to keep improving and attend as many trainings as possible to upskill over the years.


CEA REG NO: R000362C

Staying relevant is key to a resilient business always, not just in a tight economy. Keep learning and never stop growing. Sometimes, this could mean picking up deep knowledge that is relevant to our real estate industry. As realtors, we need to constantly stay abreast of policy and market changes and how they can impact our businesses and clients. Besides daily updates on the market and news. To keep in the know, attend webinars, understand architecture design, adopt new digital skills and many aspects in our industry. Take an interest in what is happening, working closely in the agent inner circle, forming a network. The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be for what lies ahead.


CEA REG NO: R015953D

I am very specialised in the prime areas of District 9 and 10 and hence i would like to think that my exclusive and very niche product knowledge of these two districts accumulated over 15 years have made my customers seek me out and stick with me.


CEA REG NO: R042533A

To stay competitive in this industry, I strive to always be honest and transparent in order to gain my clients’ continuous trust. Most importantly, I always do my best to protect my client’s interest in every single deal.


CEA REG NO: R028277H

What drew me to cross over to PropNex are the really unique training programmes offered here. They are impressive and can really impact the success of your real estate business. The mentorship offered by the Division leaders is also of another level, they genuinely want to see you succeed together and it really feels like a family here.


CEA REG NO: R062382F

Real Estate is indeed a dynamic industry. Change is constant and the direction of the market can change within a short period of time. PropNex has always been well equipped with innovations such as technology, market research and statistical data to further value add to clients. Additionally, the company has established a strong presence in the Real Estate landscape. Along with the unique sharing culture, these are the reasons why I chose PropNex.


CEA REG NO: R032277Z

Continuous learning is the key to staying relevant. PropNex provides me with an excellent platform that keeps me moving in the right direction. As a salesperson with close to 30 years in this industry, very rarely, do I witness a company putting so much effort in helping their people achieve excellence. Case in point, knowledge and skill set training which gives salespersons a strong foundation to build our business while mindset training to give us the extra edge to overcome our own obstacles to realise improbable targets. It is a privilege to have all these made available to us. Also, all PropNexians are armed with state of art tools namely, the PropNex Investment Suite App. It gives us access to properties availability, master plan, a mobile banker, historical transactions report and more, all in the palm of your hands. These resources help us thrive as a real estate salesperson today.


CEA REG NO: R016290Z

By being strong in both residential and commercial properties. With this hybrid knowledge, I am able to provide a Balance Property Plan (from HDB, Private Condo, office, factory etc) that achieves the best outcome for my client’s objective. This unique brand sets me apart from competitors.


CEA REG NO: R010436E

I have to keep going up. Upskill, upgrade, uplift. It is important to stay hungry for knowledge and keep abreast with the trends.


CEA REG NO: R061129A

When I first passed my RES in 2019, I was blessed to meet some of the PropNex Millionaires and was very inspired. PropNex stood out as having a great training system and a very vibrant and dynamic team culture. I have learnt so much from the successful top producers and their generous sharing over the years. Many thanks to my manager as well, for always being there for me whenever I hit a roadblock. I'm truly grateful for all the growth and learnings that have enabled me to empower my clients. It's been an incredible journey!


CEA REG NO: R064984Z

My Team Manager Charlyn Ding whom I have known since childhood had joined PropNex and Marcus Luah Division. I had invested in a landed developer before timing out from my previous career to go for back surgery. While recuperating, I took the RES exam and after passing, I decided to join PropNex as it stood out as the fastest growing agency and one of the most vibrant in the industry.


CEA REG NO: R030126H

The number of years means little; the consistency in acquiring qualitative and quantitative hands-on work experiences while never-stop honing transferable skillsets and domain knowledge counts toward remaining relevant and competitive, as lifelong learning is boundless.


CEA REG NO: R058073F

This is my first year in PropNex, coming from my first agency where I was there for five years. I was drawn to the strength of the PropNex brand across different market segments. The charisma and vision of leaders such as Mr Ismail Gafoor and Mr Kelvin Fong make PropNex a success today. During the circuit breaker a few years ago, when I was still with another agency, I was impressed to see PropNex conducting many powerful virtual trainings and open houses, including numerous consumer webinars. These eventually helped salespersons close a large number of sales during that challenging period.


CEA REG NO: R059032D

PropNex was the company that came to my mind when I was looking to join the real estate business. There was no doubt that PropNex is the agency with very strong branding and exposure. So, I told myself, “Why not just meet up with someone from PropNex and see how it goes?” Of course, the rest is history! After just 30 minutes of discussion at HDB Hub, I immediately signed up to join as a PropNex salesperson and it was the best decision ever!


CEA REG NO: R017333B

The best difference that PropNex offers is the strong support and training provided to salespersons. PropNex has a comprehensive training program and a team of experienced trainers to help salespersons build their skills and knowledge. Additionally, PropNex has a strong network of top performers who are willing to share their experiences and expertise with their colleagues.


CEA REG NO: R047422G

Today’s property market is constantly changing, so to stay relevant and competitive. I actively scour the web for the latest and most efficient ways of digital prospecting around the world so I can design effective digital sales funnels targeting the affluent market for my team.


CEA REG NO: R061103H

It was through my friend that I come to know about the real estate industry and PropNex. Seeing how well my friend is performing, I had no doubt that he must be in an environment that can add value to him and his career. Hence, I took a leap of faith and joined him and it was the best decision that I have ever made.


CEA REG NO: R042737G

Besides staying updated of the market changes, one has to always upskill with new technologies, softwares, marketing tools to be better equipped at serving clients in their investment journeys. Next, it is vital to continuously network and build relationships. It is important to provide excellent customer service now, more than ever. In today’s competitive market, clients are looking for salespersons who are willing to go above and beyond for them. Finally, focus in specialising in a particular type of real estate, such as luxury homes, investment properties, or commercial real estate. This can help salespersons to differentiate themselves and attract a specific niche of clients.


CEA REG NO: R063375I

I am considered a relatively new salesperson and I crossed over to PropNex at only 10 months old in the industry. What drew me to this agency is the powerful PropTech tools such as the Investment Suite App and Sales Suite App that allow for easy navigation into the complex Singapore property market. Secondly, the comprehensive trainings by PropNex also impressed me, they are updated and help us stay relevant and competitive in the property industry.


CEA REG NO: R015193B

To ensure that I stay relevant, I always push myself to take on many different roles and appointments, to be daring and be open to try new ideas. I aim not to think of the outcome, but instead focus on the growth process, be adaptable to adopt relevant skillsets needed in the industry and most importantly, be empathetic towards my clients.


CEA REG NO: R042743A

To ensure that we are competitive in today’s industry, one has to keep on learning. For example, during the COVID Circuit Breaker, we all had to adapt to remote marketing and online presentations/viewings in order to close deals. Hence, adaptability is ever important in order to reach success as a real estate salesperson.

Terrance Wong

CEA REG NO: R047320D

Moving to PropNex is the best decision I have made in more than 10 years in real estate. The best difference here is the culture of excellence that permeates through the whole company, that drives all of us to success. The consistency in excellence is unbelievable, starting from the stalwart and steady leadership right at the top, and permeating through all levels of Team Leadership in the company, without fail, 24/7. Being in such an environment really helps me to thrive to the next level. Let’s face it, real estate is a tough industry to be in. The culture of excellence, drive and intensity in PropNex is precisely what is needed to help to give that mental push to our salespersons to perform at their best.


CEA REG NO: R014567C

PropNex’s sharing culture is very different from other agencies. As I moved over to join the China Elite Team, there is more alignment in terms of the services that I provide for my China HNW clients compare to the team I was previously in. Some of the trademark courses like The Champion Code course was also beneficial in my overall growth in understanding the market and how to go about prospecting for new qualified leads. I am thankful to the company and all my mentors who enlightened me in my very first year in PropNex.


CEA REG NO: R049720J

To stay ahead of the industry, I strive to understand my clients’ needs and challenges and find the best solutions for them. This comes from being disciplined to keep abreast of new market rulings and attending trainings and market updates. Now that I have a team of associates under me, I am able to understand the challenges that new salespersons are facing and guide them on how to assist their clients to navigate the property market in Singapore.


CEA REG NO: R043421G

What sets PropNex apart from all other agencies is the ability to breakdown complex information into relatable, bite-sized knowledge that we as realtors can easily use to empower our clients. Another big difference over is the connectedness of our leaders such as Mr Ismail and Mr Kelvin Fong to the people and the challenges on the ground. Due to this, the management craft solutions, initiatives and programmes to help us move the clients into taking action. Most of my salespersons who crossed over with me achieved instant results and that resulted in an exponential growth of 7 to 50 realtors in the last 8 months!